Signs You Might Be Conceiving a Boy


While we all know that the best way to predict your baby’s gender is with an ultrasound and not with Drano, taking a look at some of the overall trends in gender and birth might give us some insight as to how things might be leaning (at least while you wait for that 20-week ultrasound).

Here are some factors that may play a role in whether or not you have a boy:

  • You live with your partner. One particular study looked at 86,000 pregnancies. Couples that lived together when the baby was conceived were slightly higher to have a boy. 51.5% of births were male in the study. There’s no explanation, of course, why this domestic arrangement would help produce a boy, and the margin is very slight.

  • You’ve been living with your partner under a year. One study shows a slight increase in male births – just under 1% – when the couples lived together less than a year. One theory is that these couples are more likely to have sex frequently, giving a slight advantage to the male sperm. Here again, the odds are very small.

  • You have high stress. High stress periods, such as those following a war, tend to lead to slightly higher male birth rates by about 52% to 48% for girls. There are theories as to why this might be the case, including the higher stress levels of certain hormones like cortisol or testosterone in a woman’s system.

  • You have a higher caloric intake. A British study looked at more than 700 women during pregnancy. The women who had an average intake of 2,400 calories a day or more, 56% had boys. For those women who had an average of around 2,250 or less, 45% had boys.

While you can’t truly control whether you’re going to have a boy or a girl, sometimes it’s fun to speculate. There’s no reason to go out and start eating more food if you’re hoping for a boy or go on a diet if you’re hoping for a girl, of course. The good news is that, no matter what, you have about a 50% chance of having a baby of the preferred gender.


Looking At Baby’s DNA During Pregnancy

It is possible to determine your baby’s DNA while you are pregnant. There are two specific tests, the amniocentesis and the Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS for short) that are often done during pregnancy to test a baby’s DNA. There are several reasons that parents might want to determine a baby’s DNA while pregnant. These might include paternity testing, gender determination, or testing to determine whether the baby is at risk for specific genetic or birth defects.

The timing of DNA testing during pregnancy is crucial. There are essentially two specific windows of time in which DNA testing can be done. The first window is between the 10th and 13th week of pregnancy. During this time, a CVS can be done. With CVS, your health care provider will insert a thin tube or needle into the vagina, through the cervix, to try to obtain little finger-like pieces of tissue attached to the uterine wall, known as chorionic villi. Your health care provider will use an ultrasound to help guide the tube or needle. Chorionic villi comes from the same fertilized egg that your fetus comes from, and consequently has the same DNA makeup as your baby.

The second window of opportunity comes after the first, between the 14th and the 20th week of pregnancy. During an amniocentesis, your health care provider will utilize an ultrasound machine to help him guide a thin needle into your uterus, by way of your abdomen. This needle will draw out a little bit of amniotic fluid. This amniotic fluid is then tested for DNA. There are some risks with amniocentesis, including a chance of harm to the baby as well as a chance of miscarriage. You might also experience leaking of amniotic fluid, vaginal bleeding, or cramping.

Determining your baby’s DNA while pregnant can be expensive. Both of the procedures listed above will likely cost somewhere between $1000 and $2000. In many cases, unless your baby or your pregnancy are at risk, your insurance company will not pay this fee. In addition, these tests cannot be done at a whim. Each requires a doctor’s recommendation to have the testing done.

More Gender Prediction Myths


Here’s a look at 7 more gender prediction myths you’re likely to come across:

1. Heartrate 
“A heartrate of less than 140 beats per minute means that you’re having a boy while a heartrate of over 140 beats per minute means that you’re having a girl.”

Although this particular myth has been kicking around for decades, there’s only one study on the books that supports it: a 1993 study at the University of Kentucky that concluded that the fetal heartbeat could be used to correctly predict the gender of 91% of male fetuses and 74% of female fetuses. 

Every other study conducted before or since has reached the exact opposite conclusion — that the fetal heart-rate can’t be used to predict the gender of your baby.

2. The shape of your belly 
“If you’re carrying your baby high, it’s a girl. If you’re carrying your baby low, it’s a boy.” If you’ve managed to get through nine months of pregnancy without having someone predict the gender of your baby based on the shape of your belly, count your blessings! 

Many people still lend credence to a rather sexist bit of English folk wisdom that states that boys are carried down low and out front because they need greater independence while girls are carried up high and across their mother’s body because they need greater protection — the origin of this particular gender prediction myth.

3. Morning sickness 
“If you are experiencing severe morning sickness, you’re having a girl.” Theories such as this one have been tossed around for years, but a recent study added more fuel to the fire. 

Swedish researchers discovered that 56% of women hospitalized with severe morning sickness ended up giving birth to baby girls. Even if there is something to this study — something that’s led to more than a few heated arguments among obstetricians — the findings aren’t exactly definitive. 

At best, you can conclude that you may have a slightly higher-than-average chance of having a baby girl if you’re feeling exceptionally crummy. It’s up to you whether you want to paint the nursery pink on that basis! 

4. The baby is active 
“If the baby is very active, you’re having a boy.” Here’s yet another theory based on some rather sexist assumptions: males are boisterous while females are placid. 

What this theory fails to take into account, however, is the fact that the amount of fetal activity that the mother feels is largely a matter of perception. If she’s running around at breakneck speed all day, she may fail to pick up on the movements of all but the most energetic of fetal kickboxers!

5. Cravings 
“If you’re craving sweets, you’re having a girl. If you’re craving salt, you’re having a boy.” While it would be convenient if you could rely on your craving for chocolate as proof positive that there’s a baby girl on the way, there’s no hard evidence that cravings are linked to the gender of your baby. In fact, the jury’s still out on whether cravings exist at all! So don’t count on your cravings — real or imagined — to tell you whether to buy pink or blue.

6. Pendulum or circle swing 
“If a wedding ring or needle suspended over your belly moves in a strong circular motion, you’re having a girl. If it moves to and fro like a pendulum, you’re having a boy.” 

This particular method of predicting the gender of your baby works much like a ouija board. Micro-muscle tremors over which you have no control cause the ring to move in a particular direction — a sensation that can be spooky to say the least, but that doesn’t tell you a thing about the gender of your baby.

7. The Chinese conception chart 
“The Chinese conception chart can tell you if you’re having a boy or a girl.” The Chinese conception chart — the brainchild of a 13th century scientist — claims to be able to help you to predict the gender of the baby by linking your age and the month of conception to the gender of the baby. While it has a reputation for being highly accurate in China, it simply hasn’t been able to stand up to the same scrutiny here in North America.

So if these myths are consistently off the mark, why do we keep turning to them again and again? 

According to the experts, there are two factors at work: the fact that you’ve got a 50/50 chance of being right each time you predict your baby’s gender and the fact that you’re more likely to remember your successes than your failures!.

Second Trimester Tests

Waiting on Doctor


Pregnancy is a time where a woman can feel constantly poked and prodded. The fact of the matter is that the infant mortality rate has indeed declined in the west, thanks in large part to the variety of medical tests and screening procedures that can take place during pregnancy. The second trimester is the time that many of these tests and screening procedures are going to take place. While not every woman will, obviously, undergo every available test and screening that are out there during the second trimester, there are some regular tests and screening that will take place during the second trimester.

You should expect to have several lab tests and screenings take place during the second trimester, for example. It is very likely that your health care provider will want to test your urine for protein and for sugar. Your health care provider may wish to test your blood for low levels of iron, or to screen you for gestational diabetes. The screening for gestational diabetes that takes place during the second trimester is especially important, as recognizing gestational diabetes early is the best way to make sure that the pregnancy progresses in the way that it should.

An ultrasound is a common procedure for you to have during the second trimester. While it isn’t exactly a test, your health care provider will use an ultrasound to verify how your baby is growing, check out where the placenta is, and to look at the baby’s developing anatomy. An ultrasound will probably be performed during the first and third trimesters of pregnancy as well, although at those times your health care provider is looking for different sorts of things than she is looking for in the second trimester.

There are other tests and screening that can take place during the second trimester. You might have a blood test to screen for a variety of disorders in your baby, such as developmental or chromosomal sorts of disorders. If these blood tests indicate a problem, an amniocentesis may be required. Certainly, an amniocentesis is another type of test that takes place during the second trimester that can, with a greater degree of accuracy, screen for developmental or chromosomal disorders.

Predicting Your Baby’s Gender With Old Wives Tales

Predicting your baby’s gender with old wives’ tales is not the most scientific or the most reliable method for predicting your baby’s gender. However, it can be the most fun way to go about predicting your baby’s gender! If your health care provider has not yet been able to determine whether you are going to have a boy or a girl, why not consider some of the old wives’ tales below?
One of the old wives’ tales for predicting your baby’s gender has to do with the way that you are carrying your baby. In this particular old wives’ tale, if you are carrying your baby low, it is predicted that your baby’s gender will be male. If you are carrying high, then, it is predicted that your baby’s gender will be female. Of course, in reality, the way that you are carrying your baby has nothing to do with your baby’s gender, but rather the muscle and tone of your uterus.

The next old wives’ tale that can be used to predict your baby’s gender is cravings. It is said that the particular food cravings you have are caused by the gender of your baby. So, craving chocolate or other sweets during pregnancy would mean that you are going to have a boy, whereas if you crave sour things like lemons your will have a boy. Of course, pregnancy cravings have more to do, in reality, with a combination of nutritional needs and psychological factors.

Another old wives’ tale uses your husband’s weight gain to predict your baby’s gender. If your husband gains weight, you will be having a girl. If he doesn’t gain weight, you’ll be having a boy.

Some old wives’ tales used for predicting your baby’s gender may even have been thought to be scientific at one time. For example, it was thought that your baby’s heartbeat could be used to predict your baby’s gender. It was thought that a heart rate on the higher end meant a girl, and at the lower end it meant a boy. Medical research has proved this one to be an old wives’ tale, as well.

Prenatal Testing for the First, Second and Third Trimesters of Pregnancy

Blood Draw


Prenatal testing is one way for you to check in on the health of your baby during pregnancy. There are a number of different types of tests that you might undergo, each of which is designed for a different purpose. Some prenatal testing is done as part of the normal routine, such as a blood pressure test and a urine test. Other tests are only done during pregnancy if your doctor suspects there might be a problem with your baby.

The tests you might have during pregnancy vary from one trimester to the next. Let’s take a look at the trimesters of pregnancy, as well as what you might expect in terms of prenatal testing:

First Trimester

  • Blood tests. You will probably have a blood test when you first suspect you are pregnant in order to confirm the presence of hCG, the pregnancy hormone. This test may also check for risks for certain birth defects or heart trouble.
  • Urine tests. During pregnancy, your urine will be checked for various elements, including signs that there might be a problem with you or your baby.
  • Chorionic villus sampling (CVS). This test gathers tissue from around your baby in order to check for certain genetic conditions like Down syndrome. CVS usually takes place between weeks 10 and 12 of your pregnancy. If you’re older than 35, have a history of family genetic problems or if other tests indicate the possibility of birth defects your doctor may recommend this test.
  • Ultrasound. An early ultrasound may be done to make sure you’re pregnant and determine your baby’s gestational age.

Second Trimester

  • More blood tests. Second trimester blood tests look for other birth defects, and are usually done between week 15 and week 20.
  • Amniocentesis. Also done between the 15th and 20th week of pregnancy, this test looks for various genetic abnormalities.
  • Ultrasound. During the second trimester, your doctor will do an ultrasound to determine your baby’s gender and make sure she’s growing according to schedule.
  • Glucose screening. Between week 24 and 28 your doctor will check to see if you have symptoms of gestational diabetes.

Third Trimester

The only new test you’re likely to have during the third trimester is a group B strep test, which will check for a certain type of infection that can be passed to your baby during birth.

Choosing a Name For Your Baby

Ultrasound Scanning 2006-05-05

Naming your child is the very first gift you’ll give your child. Since you’ll be saying it a lot, you’ll want to be sure it’s a name you won’t get tired of hearing. Oddly enough, many children’s personalities grow to represent their name’s meaning. Choose your baby’s name well with the following suggestions.

Personal history and traditions

Your family may have naming customs you’d like to continue. Many families prefer to name a boy after his father. Other families name all their children using the same first letter. Whatever custom you decide on, be sure each child feels special by giving them their own name. Naming twins Robert and Roberta, for instance, can lead to potential problems.

Make lists of people you love, want to honor, and have special meanings

Cross the names off your list that either you or your partner don’t agree on. With the names, you both like, be sure to keep them. Your list will likely evolve.

Note gender affiliations

Names in today’s age aren’t necessarily gender-specific.

  • Avoid children’s names that are normally used by the opposite gender. Your son Dana, Ashley or Kelly may not be keen on being mistaken for a girl at school functions.
  • Male names throughout history, like Madison, are fine for girls. The name alone may not be enough to distinguish your child’s gender.
  • Neutral gender names like Pat or Chris sound masculine. However, many have alternative spellings for females; Bobbi and Toni, for example.

Aging and names

One crucial component with names is graceful aging. Just because a name is appropriate for a baby doesn’t mean it works when they’re older.

Ethnic names

Some names associate individuals with groups. Unfortunately, many of these groups are discriminated against. Having an ethnic name can make it challenging to find a job.

Consider your heroes

Fictional and real heroes are often name sources. For example, with the success of the “Harry Potter” series, “Hermione” and “Ronald” have become quite popular. On the other hand, you may look up to Mother Theresa and name your baby after her. Be aware, however, that some role models don’t cross over well into other cultures.

Traditional names are fine and good and may be desirable for many parents. Yet, there’s plenty of room for unique and quirky names. Whatever name you choose, remember your child is the one who lives with it. Ultimately, the choice is yours.

Chinese Gender Chart

Legend states that the Chinese Gender Chart was buried in a royal tomb near Beijing over 700 years ago. The original is allegedly currently in the Institute of Science in Beijing.

Rumors have it that this chart is over 90% accurate when used properly but please remember that this chart is for entertainment purposes only.

* The Mother’s Age on the gender chart is based on her Chinese Age at time of conception.

Click Here to Calculate Your Chinese Age

* The Month of Conception on the chinese chart needs to be the Chinese Lunar Month.

Click here calculate the Chinese Lunar Month


 Once you find these two items, you can cross reference them on the chinese gender chart below to determine the sex of your baby.


Mother’s Chinese Age At Time Of Conception
Chinese Lunar Month
of Conception
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
January G B G B G B B G B G B G B B B G B B G B G B G B G B B G
February B G B G B B G B G B G B G G G B G B B G B G B G B G B B
March G B G G B G B B B G B G G B B B B G B B G B G B G B G B
April B G B G G B B G G B G G G G G B G B G B B B B G B G B G
May B G B G B B G G G G G B G G G G G G B G B B G B G B B G
June B B B G G G B B B G G B G G G G G G G B G G B G B G B G
July B B B G G B B G G B B B G G G G G G G G B G B B G B G B
August B B B G B G G B B B B B G G G B G B G B G B G B B G B G
September B B B G G B G B G B B B G G G G G G B G B G B G B B G B
October B B G G G B G B G B B G G G G G G G B B G B G B G B B G
November B G B G G B G B G G G G B G G G B B B G B G B G B B G B
December B G B G G G G B G B G G B B B B B B B B G G G B G B G B

Not seeing the full chart, up to age 45, click here.

Is Prenatal Testing Right for You?

Pregnancy can be an especially scary time in a woman’s life. You’re constantly worrying about the health of your baby and whether or not your pregnancy will make it full term. The good news is that the vast majority pregnancies do make it full term, but that doesn’t lessen the amount of anxiety that you face.

It’s easy to become concerned about potential complications during your pregnancy. If you’re worried about the health and well-being of your baby, there are a number of prenatal tests that your physician might recommend. Making the decision about whether or not to have these tests is up to you and your partner.

Here are some of the most common prenatal tests that you might be presented with:

  • Routine tests. There are a number of common tests that you’re going to undergo during your pregnancy. Blood tests and ultrasounds are the most common, and these tests present no danger to you or to your baby. They are an essential part of monitoring and ensuring a healthy pregnancy.

  • Screening tests. Many tests are designed to screen your baby for potential birth defects or other problems. These tests are often performed as blood tests, and they’re designed to look out for chromosomal abnormalities. Most of these tests don’t pose any difficulty to you or your baby either.

  • Diagnostic tests. If one of your routine tests or one of your screening tests suggest that there might be a problem, or if you have other risk factors such as age or family medical history, there are more invasive tests that your doctor might want to perform. Some of these tests, such as chorionic villus sampling, do carry a slight risk to you or to your baby, most often in the form of miscarriage.

Whether or not a specific test is worth having during pregnancy is something that you need to discuss with your partner as well as your doctor. The risks posed by certain types of tests are often outweighed by the potential severity of the defect that they are looking for.


Planning Your Gender-Reveal Party


In today’s world, it’s rare that expectant parents won’t know the gender of their child after they get into the midpoint or so of pregnancy. Even friends and relatives wait with baited breath to find out whether they should be buying blue or pink wrapping paper.

Spreading the information as to the gender of your baby can be casual, of course. Tell one person and you can just about bet that everyone in your circle of friends and family is going to know within a week (probably less than that).

However, one of the more interesting ways expectant parents are choosing to spread the word is by throwing a party. The Gender-Reveal party is a gathering where you invite friends and family to gather together and announce it all at once.

Being surprised

There are even ways you can participate in the excitement of the gender-reveal party. Ask the ultrasound technician to include the famous fetal ultrasound that reveals the baby’s gender (along with a note for any confusion) in an envelope. Rather than opening the envelope, take it to your neighborhood bakery and ask them to bake a cake dyed either pink or blue for a girl or for a boy.

Make sure the bakery uses vanilla icing (not dyed). When you cut into the cake, with all of your friends and family around you, you’ll know whether your’re having a boy or a girl.

A chance to celebrate

The Gender-Reveal party is a good excuse to celebrate, anyways. Typically, you’re going to know your baby’s gender at the 20-week ultrasound. You’ve made it through that first trimester, which can be very difficult with morning sickness, emotional changes, and other symptoms. Yet you’re not yet into the third trimester with its discomfort and rapidly-growing belly. That alone is reason to celebrate.

The gender-reveal party movement is just getting started. As time goes on, we can expect to see more and more products designed for these parties, such as decorations, confections, and more.